Customer Feedback

“I just had to contact you after meeting you at Terra Market today. I came home and barely had my coat off and plugged in the kettle for a cup of Summer Breeze!!! It is divine!!!
It was wonderful meeting you! You have a great business. You are so personable and friendly. I’m sure you have many, many loyal customers…..add one more!!”
I just have to write you now to let you know how much I am enjoying my “tea”.
Yesterday, I purchased Wellness-Midday Reset tea as you recommended to me as we discussed that I was interested in a detoxing tea.
Today I brewed my first cup and :I have to say it is most delicious tasting and I just want to thank you so much for helping me with what I needed.
Hi, I met you at the Humber Bay farmers’ market last summer and purchased my first teas from you. I was delighted with the teas I purchased so I looked on your packaging to find out if I could order. Your delivery was indeed very prompt and I have already enjoyed the two new brews I purchased.
Think this might be one of my favourite Christmas gifts this season.Thank you.

Bruce – Black Tractor Farms
“Hi Donna, we are at the end of the field hunkered under a tree while trying to wait out a downpour that interrupted our salad green harvesting. Luckily the Coleman stove is at this end and we brewed a cup of your new Zesty Lemon Ginger Rooibos blend. I knew I would like it – the name had three of my favorite tastes, but when we had our first sip I couldn’t help but say WOW. We knew there was something else there, but none of us could put our finger on what it was. So a scramble for the bag and on the list, a bit of Cardamon – Genius! It really pulls the blend together. I don’t know if they have a Tea Blenders Hall of Fame, if so, this one puts you in it. “